Project History

Curragh- Rail Mounted Machines


Wave were commissioned to provided Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls (EI&C) Detailed Engineering for Curragh’s rail mounted machines.


Since 2017, Wave have undertaken a number of electrical upgrades for rail mounted machines:

Stacker B Switchroom Replacement

  • Completed a Feasibility Study on the replacement of the switchroom, field cabling, transformer, long travel drive and cable reeler.

Raw Coal Stackers A&B, Steaming Coal Stacker

  • Generated an Essential Spares List including the protection settings for the replacement equipment which included a gap analysis, modelling in Powercad, and confirmation of protection equipment to be replaced.

Raw Coal Reclaimer B VVVF Upgrade

  • Standardisation, engineering and protection design to replace the VVVF drives (which were obsolete) with 2 x ABB ACS880 drives.

Bucket Wheel Reclaimer Modelling

  • E-TAP model required updating to ensure accurate power system information was available for internal site use and distribution to external service and equipment suppliers. Wave completed the modelling of the BWR (currently included as a lump load) and completed a range of power system studies.
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